Wildheart Animal Essences
vibrational healing tools to assist in the body’s natural healing process
About Casey
I'm an animal-loving essence practitioner and ceramicist living in the Vale of Avalon close to Glastonbury Tor, from where I draw my inspiration. I find the wild, elemental nature of the Tor and its landscape deeply nourishing, a place where I can listen to the owls at night and watch the badgers, foxes, bats, deer and other wildlife that inhabit the area, reminding me of my own innate wildness. It’s a magical place where I live with my hubby and our 3 cats, our daughter having grown and flown, and who now has children of her own. But that’s okay. It means I can enjoy being Grandma!

I've been working with flower essences for almost 10 years, and am registered as a Flower Essence Tutor and Advanced Practitioner with the British Flower and Vibrational Essence Association. I'm also a member of BAFEP, and teach as part of the Chalice Well Gardens Essence Team on its Essence Practitioner Training course.
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